Mentee Checklist 1


Before you Meet with your Mentor:

  • Ask yourself – What are my goals? How can a mentor assist me in meeting these goals? What is the best way to communicate these goals with your mentor?
  • Take the initiative. Introduce yourself by phone, brief letter or email. Invite your mentor to meet; suggest potential topics. Agree on confidentiality within the relationship.
  • Ask your mentor for his or her CV. Identify key steps in your career path that seem valuable to your career exploration. Update your own CV or Bio.
  • Know your schedule so you can schedule future times to meet with mentor.
  • Consider the skill sets that require additional mentoring:
    • What skills do I need to learn or improve as part of my career path?
    • What do I want to change about my work style?
    • What experiences do I want or need to obtain?
    • What professional networks are important?

During the Meeting:

  • Discuss your short- and long-term professional goals. Work together to develop steps to reach these goals and set a timeline.
  • Determine frequency of meetings. Interactions can range from brief email or phone “check-ins” to lengthy follow-up meetings.
  • Suggest potential topics for future meetings. (Examples: setting and achieving goals, managing time effectively, balancing personal and professional life, identifying possible presentations to attend and present at, identifying strategies for professional growth, etc.).

After the Meeting and Throughout the Relationship:

  • Establish your own checklist for follow up. Keep an ongoing
    portfolio of activities and works in progress. Check your timeline.
  • Re-evaluate the mentoring agreement at least annually.


Adapted in May 2010 from Boston Children’s Hospital Office of Faculty Development’s Guidelines for Junior Faculty and Guidelines for Mentors, and Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine’s Faculty Mentor Guide.