Teaching and Learning Styles


Style of the Teacher

Adult Learning Theory is an approach to learning which contains a variety of components demonstrating how adults learn as it provides guidance on how to deliver information for a successful learning experience.

Malcolm Knowles, a pioneer in the study of adult learning, observed that adults learn best when:

  1. They understand why something is important to know or do.
  2. They have the freedom to learn in their own way.
  3. Learning is experiential.
  4. The time is right for them to learn.

Style of the Learner

Identifying students’ learning style is important to understanding student’s preferred mode for taking in new information.

Action: Have student complete the Learning Styles Self-Assessment Tool to better understand his/her own learning needs. Use this to have an open dialogue with student on teaching and learner style.

Additional Information and CME Credit:
Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center’s Preceptor Training Module on Teaching Style, Learner Style at: https://www.snhahec.org/documents/Styles.doc.